Elite-Eco Services

Leading Specialist

Elite-Eco is a leading specialist in producing eco-friendly coating and membrane materials for the construction industry. Elite-Eco would like to demonstrate the environmental benefits of their products and business activities via conducting a series of carbon assessments. Quantification of Elite-Eco’s carbon emissions puts them in a position to demonstrate their sustainability and environmental responsibility to their customers and the wider public; it allows them to make a measurable change to climate change emissions and facilitates achievement of Net-Zero Carbon (NZC).

Choose your Eco-friendly products and services wisely - use the Green claims code!

  1. Businesses must be truthful and accurate, they must live up to the claims they make.
  2. Meanings must be clear and unambiguous, a consumer should be able to see the that the message and credentials match.
  3. Information must not be omitted or hidden.
  4. Fair and meaningful comparisons should meet the same needs or be intended for the same purpose.
  5. Consider the full life cycle of the product, claims can be misleading where they don't reflect the overall impact of a product or service.
  6. Businesses should be able to back up their claims with robust, credible and upto date evidence.
  7. All Elite-Eco’s figures are independently assessed and quantified to BS EN ISO 14064-1 and the GHG protocol.

Award winning Elite-Eco is dedicated to the distribution of the UK's best innovative surface coatings which meet the needs of the entire UK construction industry. Our product are developed and driven by sustainability. Our company prides itself on these environmental credentials and has a vision to provide old and new buildings with a future of superior, high performance insulation and carbon negative solutions.

It’s been a long journey for us, We started our journey over 5 years ago as corksolutions, we created a whole new identity and forged our own path through a brand new industry.

We created new brands and diversified. We are determined to bring our vision and passion for what we do to the market.
  • New premises!
  • New training courses!
  • A huge increase in uptake in courses booked!
  • Bigger presence in the industry!
  • Shortlisted for industry awards!
  • (Home building and Renovation and \build it) A green heroes award by Kevin McCloud from channel 4’s “Grand designs”!